The first fountain is located in the outdoor garden at Phipps in Pittsburgh, the second fountain is from The Waterfront, in Homestead, PA>

This photo is from the fall flower show and oddly it was taken in such a way that I didn't know what I was shooting at. I'm pleased that I got the shot.

This is the view of the High Level Bridge in Homestead from behind the Fish Market Restaurant. Quiet a beautiful sight, even though it's just the Mon.

We all know how much I love merry-go-rounds. This is the one at Idlewild Park. I took this one at Hallowboo. I know I've posted pictures of it before.

Another shot of fountains. These are from Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA. If I ever had to choose a place that I thought was the most beautiful, Longwood Gardens would be it.

Lastly, is a view from atop the Spider ride at Idlewild. I didn't know it was possible to take a good shot when stuck at the top of ride, but I guess you can.
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